The Stimming Garden

Plant list

Magnolia grandiflora

Dichondra repens

Dichondra argentea 'silver falls'

Pratia puberula

Scleranthus biflorus

Carex brunnea 'variegata'

Carex petrei

Loropetalum chinensis "purple prince'

Salvia fashion burgandy

Stachys byzantina

The chair build

What type of turf did you use and why?

Lilydale Instant Lawns sponsored the turf for our project.

The turf used is Tiff Tuf.

Stays green, is hardy, handles all weather conditions, and is thick, and soft to the touch.

How was the chair made?

Solid wooden frame constructed, covered in a recycled carpet underlay. The turf was cut into pieces and screwed into place. Regular watering, trimming, and liquid fertiliser.

The Story

What is the garden about?

The outside world can be busy, loud, and overwhelming.

This garden follows structure and patterns, making us feel safe and back in control.

Why did you choose these plants?

We wanted color, liked the feel of touch, different shapes, how they move, smells

What does the chair represent?

It is a safe place to sit down, relax, and help stay calm.

It can help to clear our minds.

Get in Touch

Contact us for a quote or any inquiries you may have about our services.

0485 971 350